The MiX/Cardiology & Pulmonology is designed to streamline administrative, clinical, and operational workflows within the medical practice. It encompasses various modules and features to support practice management, electronic health records (EHR), billing and revenue cycle management, and patient engagement. The MiX/Cardiology & Pulmonology solutions consist of the following features
1. Patient Registration and Demographics - Captures and maintains patient demographic information, contact details, insurance coverage, and emergency contacts.
2. Electronic Health Records (EHR) - Provides electronic health record functionality for documenting patient encounters, medical histories, clinical notes, and treatment plans. Supports structured documentation templates, customizable encounter forms, and specialty-specific workflows for various function tests.
3. Appointment Scheduling and Calendar Management - Facilitates appointment scheduling for patient visits, consultations, procedures, and follow-up appointments.
Manages schedules, availability, and appointment slots, with support for recurring appointments, reminders, and appointment confirmations.
4. Clinical Documentation and Charting - Offers tools for clinicians to document clinical encounters, assessments, diagnoses, treatment plans, and progress notes.
5. Integration - Integrate the MiX/Cardiology & Pulmonology system with the insurance healthcare portal and pharmacies.
6. Order Management and Prescribing - Enables specialists to create and manage orders for diagnostic tests, imaging studies, laboratory tests, medications, and referrals.
7. Billing and Revenue Cycle Management - Manages medical billing processes, including charge capture, claims submission, payment posting, and denial management.
Supports coding compliance, reimbursement optimization, and revenue cycle analytics to maximize practice revenue and minimize revenue leakage.
8. Insurance Eligibility Verification and Authorization - Verifies patient insurance coverage, eligibility, and benefits prior to appointments or services.
Obtains prior authorizations for procedures, treatments, medications, and referrals, ensuring timely reimbursement and reduced claim denials.
9. Patient Communication and Engagement - Facilitates communication with patients through secure messaging, appointment reminders, and patient education materials.
Provides patient portals or mobile apps for accessing health records, scheduling appointments, requesting medication refills, and communicating with healthcare providers.
10. Practice Analytics and Performance Reporting - Generates reports and analytics on practice performance metrics, financial indicators, patient demographics, and clinical outcomes. Tracks key performance indicators (KPIs), such as patient volume, appointment utilization, revenue trends, and quality measures.